Special events and more

Special conference events

General Meeting and Reception

Thursday 27 March

Pieterskerk, Pieterskerkhof 1a

19.00  General Meeting

The meeting will feature a brief report on the ESSHC, the presentation of the Jan Lucassen Award and a

Spoken word performance by Kevin-Ahn Kwang Soo- Groen

20.15   Drinks reception with finger food

N.B. Limited space:  Admission only when you signed up in advance.  


Guided Walking tours

We offer two walking tours, twice each.   A walk along Leiden's Almshouses and a walk tracing Leiden's history with slavery. Sign up via e-mail to esshc@iisg.nl or at the conference desk. First come, first served.

Paragons of charity. Walking along Leiden’s almshouses

From the late Middle Ages until the middle of the twentieth century in many Dutch cities almshouses for the elderly were founded, mostly by wealthy benefactors and mostly on a rather small scale. Leiden still has an exceptionally high number of them, many of them still private foundations whose original buildings have survived to the present day. During the walking tour a number of these almshouses will be visited and the origin and history of these ‘little palaces for the poor’ explained by IISH-research fellow Henk Looijesteijn, an expert on Dutch almshouse history.

Times:  Tuesday 25 March 15.00 & Thursday 27 March 11.00

Your guide: Henk Looijesteijn

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours. Maximum number of participants: 15.


Traces of slavery in Leiden

For centuries, the Dutch were complicit in the slave trade and slavery - a history of exploitation and racism. This history did not only unfold in lands far away, in Africa, the Caribbean, and the greater Indian Ocean world, but also closer to home in the Dutch mainland. During this tour, you will learn about the history of Dutch slave trades and slaveries, whilst walking along the buildings where enslaved individuals, slave traders, and abolitionists lived. It will share with you stories of suffering and exploitation, but also of great resilience and resistance.

Times: Tuesday 25 March 15.00 & Saturday 29 March 16.15

 Your guide: Britt van Duijvenvoorde  

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours.  Maximum number of participants: 20.


Joint Sexuality & Leiden Queer History network social event

Friday 28 March at the Roze Beurs bar,  Oude Singel 128,

starting at 19.00

As is customary the sexuality network will hold its informal social gathering on Friday evening and this time the event will kindly and excitingly be co-badged by Leiden University's  Leiden Queer History Network


Farewell dirnks

Saturday 29 March



For the go-getters. the hangers-in-there, who persist and keep conferencing to the very end.